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Del Mar Union School District

Igniting Genius, Empowering Students
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Board Candidate Information


Roles, Responsibilities, and Governance Protocols

Board Policy 9220


DMUSD’s Vision, Mission, and Beliefs

Our Vision: The unrelenting pursuit of the extraordinary school experience.

Our Mission: To ignite genius and empower students to advance the world.

We Believe:

The school experience is built upon a strong academic foundation within a safe, secure environment.

In the joy of learning.

In student choice and ownership of learning.

In the genius of each child. I

n developing integrity, compassion, and empathy.

In developing grit, perseverance, and a passion for learning.

In empowering students to be thinkers and change makers.

In the power of curiosity. In the power of team.

In taking risks and not settling.

Our students, as engaged citizens, will positively impact their community and the world.


Goals of the District are defined by the Strategic Plan, Destination 2028! and the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).

Link to D28!



Measure MM Facilities Program

Link to Measure MM Page 


Budget and Funding

Link to Budget page


Additional Information