- Departments
- After School Programs
- Business Services
- Child Nutrition Services
- Enrollment
- Contact Information
- District Residency Requirements
- Forms
- Health Requirements
- Immunization Requirements
- Interdistrict Transfers
- Intradistrict Transfers
- Kindergarten
- ParentVUE Help
- School Boundaries and Option Areas
- Spanish Language Immersion Program
- Student Withdrawal
- Timeline, 2025-2026 School Year
- Transitional Kindergarten Early Intervention
- Human Resources
- Instructional Services
- Contact
- Content Standards
- Textbooks and Instructional Materials
- Assessment and Testing Information
- Kindergarten
- Transitional Kindergarten Early Intervention
- Spanish Language Immersion Program
- 6th Grade Spanish
- English Language Learners
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Teacher Induction Program
- School Accountability Report Cards
- Maintenance, Operations & Facilities
- Payroll
- Preschool (General Education)
- Special Education
- Student Services
- Technology
District Residency Requirements
New students to the district must provide two acceptable proofs of residence in order to register.
Current students are required to re-register each spring and submit current residency documentation.
For verification requirements, the following documents are accepted as proof of residence:
One of the following:
- Current SDG&E utility bill, contract, or Letter of Residence
- Bill must be dated within 30 days of the date provided to the District.
- Letter from the lessor and a signed copy of the current rental agreement/addendum stating that utilities are included
AND one of the following:
- Current water bill or contract
- Bill must be dated within 30 days of the date provided to the District.
- Current cable bill or contract
- Bill must be dated within 30 days of the date provided to the District.
- Lease agreement or rent receipts
- Must be signed by tenant & landlord and list all residents
- Must include dates of the agreement
- If the lease is an annual lease that has expired and been converted to a month-to-month lease, it must be accompanied by a at least one current utility bill.
- Property tax bill or receipt
- Must include home address, parent address, and date of payment
- Must be accompanied by at least one current utility bill
- Pay stub
- Must include parent name and address
- Must be dated within 30 days of the date provided to the District.
- Escrow documents
- Accepted starting 14 days before the first day of school, for summer registration
- Accepted up to 6 weeks before moving in, for mid-year registration
- Additional proof will be required upon move-in
If any District employee reasonably believes the parent/guardian of a student has provided false or unreliable evidence of residency, the District shall make reasonable efforts to determine if the student meets residency requirements. Reasonable efforts include, but are not limited, to home visits and investigation by a private detective. District employees may also ask for current proof of residence at any time. Falsification of any information or documents, either written or verbal will result in revocation of enrollment.