- Departments
- After School Programs
- Business Services
- Child Nutrition Services
- Enrollment
- Contact Information
- District Residency Requirements
- Forms
- Health Requirements
- Immunization Requirements
- Interdistrict Transfers
- Intradistrict Transfers
- Kindergarten
- ParentVUE Help
- School Boundaries and Option Areas
- Spanish Language Immersion Program
- Student Withdrawal
- Timeline, 2025-2026 School Year
- Transitional Kindergarten Early Intervention
- Human Resources
- Instructional Services
- Contact
- Content Standards
- Textbooks and Instructional Materials
- Assessment and Testing Information
- Kindergarten
- Transitional Kindergarten Early Intervention
- Spanish Language Immersion Program
- 6th Grade Spanish
- English Language Learners
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Teacher Induction Program
- School Accountability Report Cards
- Maintenance, Operations & Facilities
- Payroll
- Preschool (General Education)
- Special Education
- Student Services
- Technology
Online Registration
Online Registration
Welcome to the Del Mar Union School District!
New student enrollment for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years is now open.
New student enrollment will be processed through ParentVUE, a secure, online portal where you will electronically submit all required documents and complete all enrollment forms digitally using a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Once your student's enrollment is complete, stay connected by using ParentVUE to check attendance, contact your child's teacher, and more!
Enrollment Steps
Step 1 - Gather all required documents.
Verification of age
Provide one document:
- Birth certificate
- Passport
- Baptismal certificate
Immunization records
Complete immunization records must be presented at the time of registration. Registration and school placement will not be finalized until complete documentation showing that the child meets all California immunization requirements for school entry has been received.
Proof of residence
Provide two of the accepted documents listed on the District Residency Requirements page.
Custody documentation (if applicable)
Dental health examination (Kindergarten ONLY)
California law requires that a student must provide proof of having received an oral health assessment by May 31st in either Kindergarten or 1st grade, whichever is your child's first year in public school. Please download and have your dental provider complete the Dental Health Examination Form. This form is not needed at the time of initial enrollment, but DMUSD asks that it be completed before your child begins kindergarten.
Step 2 - Log In to ParentVUE
Note: You will need a valid email address in order to create a ParentVUE account.
New parent to the district? Click here to create a new ParentVUE account.
Returning parent to the district? A ParentVUE account attached to your name and/or email address already exists. To gain access to your account, please email Justine Stacy in Student Services at jstacy@dmusd.org.
Current DMUSD parents may login using their existing ParentVUE credentials.
Forgot your username or password? Click here and click the "Forgot Password" icon to retrieve your username or reset your password.
Need help? Visit the District's ParentVUE help center.
To ensure that you receive all emails from the system, please whitelist the email address DMUSD-Synergy-NoReply@dmusd.org with your email provider.
For technical assistance with the online registration process, please contact Justine Stacy in Student Services at jstacy@dmusd.org.
New Student Enrollment Resources
New Student Enrollment Resources
You can navigate the enrollment site using the topic listing to the left or the links below. Other topics on this site include:
School Assignment
School Assignment
At certain times of the year, DMUSD schools may be at or near capacity. When that occurs, new students are assigned to another DMUSD school where space is available. For current information on a school's enrollment capacity, contact Student Services at jstacy@dmusd.org. Every effort is made to place students at the school in their attendance area; however, due to the District's commitment to maintain balanced, low class sizes at all school sites, it has been necessary to establish district-wide school placement procedures. The placement of each student will be handled according to established Board approved priority designations and Board Policy/Administrative Regulations 5111, 5116, 5116.1. Students are placed at a school on a space available basis. It may not be possible to honor every request regarding school preference.
Residency Verification
Residency Verification
If any District employee reasonably believes the parent/guardian of a student has provided false or unreliable evidence of residency, the District shall make reasonable efforts to determine if the student meets residency requirements. Reasonable efforts include, but are not limited to home visits and investigation by a private detective. Falsification of any information or documents, either written or verbal will result in revocation of enrollment.
After School Care
After School Care
If you're interested in after school care, please visit the After School Program website at https://asp.dmusd.org/.
General Enrollment Information