- Departments
- After School Programs
- Business Services
- Child Nutrition Services
- Enrollment
- Contact Information
- District Residency Requirements
- Forms
- Health Requirements
- Immunization Requirements
- Interdistrict Transfers
- Intradistrict Transfers
- Kindergarten
- ParentVUE Help
- School Boundaries and Option Areas
- Spanish Language Immersion Program
- Student Withdrawal
- Timeline, 2025-2026 School Year
- Transitional Kindergarten Early Intervention
- Human Resources
- Instructional Services
- Contact
- Content Standards
- Textbooks and Instructional Materials
- Assessment and Testing Information
- Kindergarten
- Transitional Kindergarten Early Intervention
- Spanish Language Immersion Program
- 6th Grade Spanish
- English Language Learners
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Teacher Induction Program
- School Accountability Report Cards
- Maintenance, Operations & Facilities
- Payroll
- Preschool (General Education)
- Special Education
- Student Services
- Technology
The DMUSD STEAM+ program provides robust and engaging instruction for students in the arts, science, physical education, and interdisciplinary learning. STEAM+ credentialed specialists facilitate rich, authentic learning experiences that prepare students for a future where they will think, innovate, and create.
STEAM+ Spotlight: 2024-2025
STEAM+ Spotlight: 2024-2025
Check out STEAM+ Spotlight to see what's happening in STEAM+!