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Teacher Induction Program
As a member of the North Coastal Consortium, Del Mar Union School District's Teacher Reflection and Induction Program is designed to offer support for beginning teachers who have finished a credentialing program and who currently hold a preliminary Multiple Subjects Credential, Single Subject Credential, or Education Specialist Instruction Credential. Successful completion of a state-accredited two-year induction program is mandatory for beginning teachers.
Beginning teachers enrolled in DMUSD's Beginning Teacher Induction Program are matched within their first few weeks of employment with a peer mentor, who meets with the new teacher regularly to discuss teaching and learning, review student progress, plan lessons, and observe and provide feedback on instruction.
Coaching conversations between mentors and beginning teachers are oriented around the California Standards for the Teaching Profession, which also support beginning teachers with tracking professional growth over time. As beginning teachers progress through their two years of Induction, they engage in an ongoing cycle of planning, teaching, assessing, and reflecting designed to instill a career-long habit of productive reflection and inquiry so that they will always strive to improve their practice in service of student learning and socio-emotional well-being.
Why Induction?
Upon completing a credentialing program in the state of California, new teachers hold a Preliminary Teaching Credential. Education Code §44259(c)(2) requires teachers to complete an induction program that has been approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing within a five-year period from the issuance of the Preliminary Teaching credential. Upon successful completion of the minimum two-year induction program, teachers earn a Clear Teaching Credential.
How are Mentors Selected?
Del Mar Union School District's induction mentors are highly skilled and experienced teachers who have demonstrated an aptitude for coaching and leadership, are highly reflective individuals, and who endeavor to stay current with new research and developments in teaching and learning.
Does Mentoring Impact Student Learning?
The DMUSD Beginning Teacher Induction Program uses strategies, tools, and methods developed by the New Teacher Center (NTC). Recent research conducted by the NTC in partnership with the U.S. Department of Education's Investing in Innovation (i3) fund, has validated previous studies showing that well-designed mentoring programs:
- increase student achievement, especially among traditionally underserved student populations.
- improve and accelerate teacher performance.
- promote professional norms of collaboration, ongoing learning and accountability.