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Health Services
Health Services
The Del Mar Union School District (DMUSD) employs full-time Certificated School Nurses. The nurses are supported at each school site by a health clerk. School nurses are responsible for vision and hearing screening, monitoring medications, completing health and developmental histories for students who qualify for special education services, and in-servicing staff on health issues such as peanut allergies or the use of the epi-pen.
Criteria for School Attendance
Criteria for School Attendance
Good health is critical for the learning process to take place. It is for this reason that students who are too ill to participate in normal activities should be excluded from school attendance. Not only are they unable to derive any benefits from the educational process when ill, but they may also be infecting other children and thus preventing them from attending school.
It is for the above reasons that the following criteria for school attendance will be followed.
- In general, students who are too ill to participate in normal activities and/or adequately function in the classroom setting should be excluded from school attendance.
- A student with an oral temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or above, with no other symptoms, will be excluded from school until the temperature returns to normal for at least 24 hours.
- A student with vomiting will be excluded from school until the vomiting has stopped for at least 24 hours.
- A student with diarrhea will be excluded from school until diarrhea has ceased for at least 24 hours.
- A student with suspected contagious disease (i.e. rash) will be excluded from school until released by medical care service (preferably in writing) or until symptoms are no longer present.
- A student with known contagious disease will need written approval to return to school.
- A student who has undergone a medical procedure requiring general anesthesia will stay home at least 24 hours.
- A student with an upper respiratory infection (symptoms: persistent nasal discharge that is purulent or discolored, oral temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or above, productive cough, excessive coughing) will stay at home until all symptoms are gone for 24 hours or a written medical release is obtained.
- Students who have head lice will be sent home immediately for treatment, and return to the Health Office upon returning to school, to turn in the signed Checklist for Lice Treatment and check for lice clearance to attend school again. (See Board Policy and Checklist for Lice Treatment)
- Students receiving antibiotic medication may attend school AFTER they have been taking the medicine for 24 hours.
- If medicine is needed to be given at school, written physician and parent approval is required. (See Authorization for Medication Administration Form)
Contact Us
![]() Beth Anderson, RN
School Nurse
![]() Theresa Crosby, RN
School Nurse