- Our District
2024-2025 Priority Actions

Lever 1. Learning Experience - Every learner receives equitable access to a strong academic core and high-quality instruction so that students think and learn across disciplines, connect multiple ideas, create new knowledge, and engage in breakthrough thinking.
Five-Year Objective 1.1
Students’ academic growth and proficiency will be impacted by a strong academic core that serves as the foundation on which the school experience develops.
Priority Action 1.1.1
Share information with staff about the newly adopted mathematics framework.
Priority Action 1.1.2
Monitor the California State Board of Education Mathematics Instructional Materials Adoption and investigate mathematics curriculum aligned to the new framework.
Priority Action 1.1.3
Host Parent Math Nights and site-based parent information series about DMUSD’s instructional programming that challenges all students to think critically, collaborate, create, and communicate effectively.
Priority Action 1.1.4
Provide opportunities for teachers to reflect, discuss, and plan for upcoming units of instruction that deepen students’ content knowledge within the newly adopted History-Social Science Curriculum.
Priority Action 1.1.5
Support students’ academic success through the implementation of co-teaching through modeling, coaching, and time for shared planning.
Five-Year Objective 1.2
Students develop essential skills and competencies as a result of teacher actions based on instructional practices grounded in research. Students know how to carry out the thinking skills required when they initiate learning in response to inquiry, engage in meaningful tasks, and solve problems.
Priority Action 1.2.1
Communicate DMUSD Core Instructional Competencies and DMUSD Multi-year Progression of Professional Learning for new teachers to staff.
Priority Action 1.2.2
Co-design a Professional Learning Plan that strengthens DMUSD Core Instructional Competencies and teacher expertise and includes choice and leadership opportunities.
Priority Action 1.2.3
Co-design progressions of learning for our Portrait of a Learner to support instructional planning, reflection, and goal setting to develop student agency and ownership over the learning process.
Priority Action 1.2.4
Create a sequence of learning in EEI for experienced staff to be delivered by site principals and teacher leaders.
Priority Action 1.2.5
Embed professional learning specific to the needs of English Language Learners in district and site-led professional learning.
Priority Action 1.2.6
Host Cultures of Thinking Summit and Fellows Showcase to deepen a culture of thinking in DMUSD and local school districts to encourage and enhance educational experiences beyond our district.
Five-Year Objective 1.3
Students think critically and apply learning to relevant real-world contexts.
Students’ curiosity and creativity are promoted as they seek out problems and formulate innovative solutions. Students generate questions, exhibit flexibility in thinking, and are excited by challenges.
Priority Action 1.3.1
Build upon grade-level Design Thinking units so that all students experience a design thinking unit in the 2024-2025 school year to apply content knowledge in routine and innovative ways and reach workable solutions to real-world problems.
Priority Action 1.3.2
Connect students with experts to make learning relevant and meaningful. Facilitate collaboration with local or global communities to give students a broader perspective and real-world context related to standards-based learning.
Five-Year Objective 1.4
Students demonstrate academic success through personal, authentic learning tasks that value unique, individual learning styles. Students play an active role in the assessment of their progress throughout the process of learning. Reporting of student progress is aligned to current pedagogical practice personalized to each student.
Priority Action 1.4.1
Identify students' interests and passions through surveys, discussions, or other means of formative data and use this information to personalize learning experiences.
Priority Action 1.4.2
Students actively assess their progress using reflection tools that aid in goal setting, give them opportunities to adapt to feedback, and capture their growth over time.
Priority Action 1.4.3
Begin co-designing an updated student progress reporting system (ie report card).
Five-Year Objective 1.5
Students are exposed to a variety of technology and are agile in their creation and use of technology. Students’ use of technology is directly linked to their passions and deep understanding of the global impact.
Priority Action 1.5.1
Design project-based learning activities where students can choose topics they are passionate about and apply various technologies to solve related problems and showcase learning.
Priority Action 1.5.2
Expand opportunities for students to use various technologies like coding and robotics to deepen their understanding of content knowledge.
Priority Action 1.5.3
Tech experts engage in professional learning to gain proficiency with Artificial Intelligence tools and bring that learning back to site staff.
Lever 2. Responsive and Caring Culture - Individuals are respected and valued for their unique contributions and diverse perspectives. There exists a shared commitment to a culture of excellence grounded in empathy, compassion, and common purpose.
Five-Year Objective 2.1
The school community demonstrates a shared purpose and commitment to a safe and healthy environment rooted in shared accountability where each individual is valued, supported, and personally invested.
Priority Action 2.1.1
Continue Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion site teams and advisory committee.
Priority Action 2.1.1
Provide a parent education series to support student wellness.
Five-Year Objective 2.2
Students and staff demonstrate compassion and empathy as part of a school community that embraces diversity and promotes meaningful relationships.
Priority Action 2.2.1
Staff and parents engage in learning around diversity, equity and inclusion.
Priority Action 2.2.2
Establish site liaisons for parents of students receiving special education services.
Priority Action 2.2.3
All students at every school will participate in No Place for Hate learning to demonstrate personal and social responsibility through ethical and empathetic behaviors.
Priority Action 2.2.4
Staff will explore Second Step’s digital curriculum and evaluate its effectiveness in helping students develop self-regulation skills, empathy and compassion, and effective problem-solving.
Five-Year Objective 2.3
Students' personal genius and unique talents are cultivated through an equitable learning experience that provides a sense of belonging and purpose, propelling individuals to thrive in a diverse society.
Priority Action 2.3.1
Define MTSS to include academic, social-emotional, and behavioral support at each tier.
Priority Action 2.3.2
Increase students’ sense of belonging through leadership roles that contribute to making the school, local, and global community a better place.
Priority Action 2.3.3
Increase student and adult-led lunchtime connection opportunities to build positive relationships and work collaboratively with others.
Five-Year Objective 2.4
Students and staff apply their understanding of different cultures to effectively communicate, collaborate, and interact with empathy.
Priority Action 2.4.1
Collaborate with families to help educators better understand important aspects of different cultures and families to foster a supportive school environment for all.
Priority Action 2.4.2
Partner with higher education to provide adults in the community opportunities to learn English.
Priority Action 2.4.3
Work collaboratively with site and district parent groups to identify and implement strategies to welcome and support newcomer families from multiple countries who reside within our school district.
Five-Year Objective 2.5
Students understand that their engagement with content via social media has positive and negative impacts, and they make informed decisions about content creation and consumption. Students accept responsibility for creating digital content that has a positive impact on humanity and society at large. Be nice.
Priority Action 2.5.1
Incorporate research about the impact of the digital world to support students’ digital citizenship and provide parent education.
Lever 3: Stewardship of Resources - Human capital, fiscal resources, and facilities intentionally align in support of the extraordinary school experience.
Five-Year Objective 3.1
Leverage strategic partnerships and professional affiliations, both locally and globally, to expand our thinking and apply best practices to the education setting.
Priority Action 3.1.1
Analyze, develop, and maintain professional partnerships to support staff professional learning and participation in professional organizations to inform decision-making and further strengthen our innovative network, all focusing on enhancing student learning opportunities and outcomes.
Five-Year Objective 3.2
Manage and align District resources with strategic plan priorities and initiatives in order to maintain and strengthen district programs and practices.
Priority Action 3.2.1
Prioritize funding based on the new strategic plan and LCAP. Ensure that STEAM+, small class sizes, and other Board-identified priorities are funded both in the short and long term.
Priority Action 3.2.2
Include students and staff in the identification of next steps to reduce waste and increase recycling throughout the district.
Five-Year Objective 3.3
Engage in proactive, fiscally responsible multi-year planning in order to maintain a prudent budget and strong reserve. Advocate on a state level for adequate funding that impacts unfunded and underfunded programs, including dependable ongoing state facilities funding, funding for Transitional Kindergarten, special education funding, etc.
Priority Action 3.3.1
Provide regular updates to the Board of Trustees and community regarding District budget and programming, including Board of Trustees Meeting presentations and Budget Workshop(s).
Priority Action 3.3.2
Continue advocating for state funding and legislation that impacts DMUSD programs and facilities, including dependable ongoing state facilities funding, funding for Transitional Kindergarten, adequate special education funding, etc.
Five-Year Objective 3.4
Maximize the impact of Measure MM Bond funds at all District schools to address facilities’ needs, community priorities, and student learning.
Priority Action 3.4.1
Hold Board of Trustees Budget Workshop(s) to review and update the Facilities Master Plan, including funding sources, current construction costs and estimates, and potential impacts on the Bond Program.
Five-Year Objective 3.5
Invest in the staff member skills and expertise that impact the student experience and give the district its distinct character.
Priority Action 3.5.1
Fund ongoing professional learning opportunities for all staff aligned with the strategic plan and LCAP.
Priority Action 3.5.2
Ensure District recruiting practices have a broad reach within the State and region to attract a diverse candidate pool.
Ensure District recruiting practices have a broad reach within the State and region to attract a diverse candidate pool.
Priority Action 3.5.3
Conduct ongoing orientations to welcome new staff members into our district and to introduce staff to district frameworks, diversity, equity and inclusion learning and job-specific needs
Lever 4. Design Influence - Rich and meaningful learning occurs at the intersection of purposeful, engaging learning, innovative thinking, and a compelling curriculum.The physical environment across all learning spaces supports rich and meaningful learning by influencing how individuals interact, their behaviors, and their engagement in authentic personal and collective learning.
Five-Year Objective 4.1
Students have choice and/or input about their learning environment, subject matter, learning approach, learning pace, and how they demonstrate understanding. Students’ experiences build upon their passions, interests, and strengths.
Priority Action 4.1.1
Examine structures that support student flexibility and choice in the learning process, product, or pace to empower students in the learning process.
Priority Action 4.1.2
Actively research educational models that utilize different systems and structures that support a collaborative teaching approach, shared teaching responsibility, and flexible use of student and teacher time/schedules.
Five-Year Objective 4.2
Students use open, indoor and outdoor collaborative spaces and have access to educators who share the collective responsibility for student success. Students engage in purposeful learning matched to their learning styles and/or tasks.
Priority Action 4.2.1
Identify potential and existing common learning spaces, both indoor & outdoor to access learning beyond the traditional classroom and take steps to activate and use these spaces for student learning.
Five-Year Objective 4.3
Learning environments are inclusive, relevant, responsive, and ever-changing in support of the unique interests, passions, and needs of each individual student. They inspire creativity and drive innovation.
Priority Action 4.3.1
Deprivatize teaching and learning using Snapshot Protocols, Learning Labs, and teacher leaders to model and reflect on instructional frameworks and learning environments.
Five-Year Objective 4.4
School facilities support student-centered learning, teacher collaboration, a positive climate, technology integration, flexible scheduling, and connection to the environment, community, and global network.
Priority Action 4.4.1
Use feedback from teacher collaboration rooms to create additional teacher collaboration spaces at school sites.
Priority Action 4.4.2
Develop in-district video resources for adult learning related to instructional practices that highlight our teachers’ expertise and will be used in district-led professional learning to make learning visible for adults.
Five-Year Objective 4.5
Facilities support environmental sustainability and healthy learning practices: exposure to natural light, learning indoors and outdoors, access to fresh air, and spaces for physical and emotional regulation.
Priority Action 4.5.1
Share and take action on research related to healthy learning practices, including exposure to natural light, indoor and outdoor learning, air quality, etc.
Priority Action 4.5.2
Develop students’ and staff’s environmental stewardship related to environmental challenges through professional partnerships.
Priority Action 4.5.3
Embed professional learning that supports teachers in developing inclusive, responsive environments that aid in physical and emotional regulation.