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Del Mar Union School District

Igniting Genius, Empowering Students
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Strategic Plan: 2023 Meeting Recaps

Strategic Design Team Meeting 3

Strategic Design Team Meeting 3

The Strategic Design team had their third meeting of the three meeting series at Ocean Air School on the evening of Thursday, May 25. The meeting started with a review of the goals and the role of the Strategic Design Team, including the process and timeline for the work. Design Team members then reviewed and provided feedback on the draft Strategic Levers, and 5-year Objective and 2023-24 Priority Actions. Teams shared their feedback with the group as a whole and provided feedback individually at the end of the evening. Next, the district will consider the feedback from the Strategic Design team, as well as feedback from the staff and community survey, to make revisions to the Strategic Plan. A finalized plan is scheduled for Board approval in June. 
Survey: Draft Levers and Objectives

Survey: Draft Levers and Objectives

On May 19th, a survey was sent to all DMUSD employees and families to collect  feedback on the draft Levers and 5-Year Objectives identified by our Strategic Design Team. The form was also linked on the DMUSD website and remained open for a full week.
Strategic Design Team Meeting 2

Strategic Design Team Meeting 2

The Strategic Design team met again at Ocean Air School on the evening of Tuesday, April 25. The meeting started with a Gallery Walk to review the strengths and opportunities participants identified the previous night. 
Design Team members also considered emerging themes regarding the four Strategic Levers. They then provided input to develop 5-year objectives for Strategic Levers 1-4, discussing strategies to operationalize the plan and sharing their thoughts with the group as a whole. The evening finished with another opportunity for feedback. 
The final meeting of the Strategic Design Team will be at Ocean Air School on May 25. Staff and Community will have an opportunity to provide input on DMUSD’s Strategic Plan draft with a survey, after which the final Strategic Plan will be submitted for board approval.  
Strategic Design Team Meeting 1

Strategic Design Team Meeting 1

On Monday, April 24, the Strategic Design Team, comprised of parents, teachers, staff, and community members gathered at Ocean Air School to begin the important work of making the Portrait of a Learner become a reality. This phase of the design process focuses on the Strategic Plan, a set of priorities to inform how we focus our energy and resources to meet the needs of all students so they are prepared to thrive in a complex and rapidly changing world.
After reviewing the portrait process and discussing the implications, implementation opportunities and challenges, the Strategic Design Team considered the District’s four Strategic Levers. They identified strengths and opportunities within each lever before concluding the meeting with another opportunity for individual feedback. 
The team will continue the momentum of the first meeting with a second meeting on the following evening, April 25. 
Portrait Design Team Meeting 4

Portrait Design Team Meeting 4

The Portrait Design Team had their final meeting at Ashley Falls School on Monday, March 27th, to refine the District’s Portrait of a Learner. After a review of the previous meeting, Design Team members discussed and provided feedback on the competencies that comprise DMUSD’s Portrait of a Learner and the accompanying visual.
Building upon the solid foundation laid by District Design 2022, the Design Team identified and prioritized objectives that should be carried forward into the new Strategic Plan. 
Now that DMUSD’s Portrait of a Learner has been developed, the exciting work of turning our Portrait of a Learner into a reality for every student begins. The Portrait Design Team was invited to join the next phase of this process, during which time the ideas shared will be articulated into a plan of action!
Portrait Design Team Meeting 3

Portrait Design Team Meeting 3

The Portrait Design Team met for the third time at Ocean Air School on Wednesday, March 8 to continue the development of DMUSD’s Portrait of a Learner. Team members began the night by reviewing feedback and results of the competency selection activity from the previous week and through the input from parents, teachers, and staff who were not able to attend.
After considering the input on the past meeting’s important work, team members discussed the competencies Del Mar Union students need to thrive today and tomorrow. Table groups refined competency descriptions for each of the competencies identified in the previous meeting and through the input form. Final descriptions from each table were shared for all team members to see and given another opportunity for feedback. The meeting closed with a preview of a rough draft for the DMUSD Portrait of a Learner sketch and time to provide input. 
The Design Team will meet together again on March 27 at Ashley Falls School. The Portrait of a Learner will be refined and activated in this final meeting of the series for the Design Team. 
For more information about the Portrait of a Learner process, click HERE.
calendar showing the 4 design team meeting dates
Portrait of a Learner - Survey

Portrait of a Learner - Survey

The Del Mar Union School District engaged our community in developing a Portrait of a Learner, a collective vision that articulates our aspirations for every student in the Del Mar Union School District. Parents, teachers, staff, and community members who were unable to attend the Portrait Design meetings were invited to identify the competencies that our children need for success in this rapidly changing and complex world.
Portrait Design Team Meeting 2

Portrait Design Team Meeting 2

The Portrait Design Team met for the second time on Wednesday, March 1 to continue the development of DMUSD’s Portrait of a Learner. Team members began the night by reviewing ratings of the landscape shifts presented during the first meeting. After considering how society is changing through the landscape shifts, as well as the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of the group, each individual and table group then identified 7 competencies that all students in Del Mar Union should possess. Each table group listed its final set of competencies for all team members to see. 
If you were unable to attend our Portrait Design Team meetings, we are seeking your input to help us create our vision. What are the skills and mindsets that our children need for success in this rapidly changing and complex world? Please select the top competencies by clicking on this link.  
The Design Team will meet together again on March 8 and March 27.  
For more information about the Portrait of a Learner process, click HERE.
Portrait Design Team Meeting 1

Portrait Design Team Meeting 1

Over 100 members of the Portrait Design Team composed of parents, teachers, staff,  and community members gathered at Ocean Air School on Tuesday, February 28, to begin this important work. 
Colon Lewis, Chief Learning Officer for Battelle for Kids, led participants in examining how the world is changing and the implications for our students. Design Team Members discussed the landscape shifts related to the workforce, pace of change, global challenges, social intelligence, and student learning experiences.  
The Design Team will meet together again on March 1, March 8, and March 27. 
Portrait of a Learner Design Team begins work in Del Mar Union School District.

Portrait of a Learner Design Team begins work in Del Mar Union School District.

The Del Mar Union School District is engaging our community in developing a Portrait of a Learner, a collective vision that articulates our aspirations for every student in the Del Mar Union School District.  Our Portrait of a Learner will serve as the North Star for our schools, bringing our community together with a shared vision.  
For more information about the Portrait of a Learner process, visit here.