- Our District
Strategic Plan: Portrait of a Learner
With a Portrait of a Learner defined, we have the first step in framing a new vision for our school district. We spent about two months establishing our Portrait of a Learner with four Design Team meetings where community partners actively participated. We shared our progress along the way, and invited the community to share input before we finalized the Portrait.
![4 steps of the Design Team](__ccms_cepicture_images/eac10868-6ab0-4bf9-83b3-3740cb1f88b4.png)
Design Team
A series of 4 meetings where we discussed how the world is changing to inform our understanding of what skills and mindsets our students should have to thrive in the future—and specifically, what these changes mean for our district’s Portrait of a Learner.
Meetings dates are listed below and meeting details were sent via email and posted to this page. Staff, parents/guardians and community members were welcome to attend.
*Portrait Design Team Meeting Dates
- Portrait Design Team Meeting 1: February 28, 2023
- Portrait Design Team Meeting 2: March 1, 2023
- Portrait Design Team Meeting 3: March 8, 2023
- Portrait Design Team Meeting 4: March 27, 2023
*Please note, this is a series of meetings that will build upon each other and we ask members to commit to all four meetings.
Additional Opportunties for Input - Portrait of a Learner
We appreciate your feedback on our Portrait of a Learner to inform our Strategic Plan. Locally developed, but globally positioned, it serves as our collective vision of what our community’s aspirations are for all students. Watch for surveys and questionnaires to share your feedback via email and on this page.