- Our District
Survey: Draft Levers and Objectives
Over the course of 7 meetings, staff, parents, and community members have collaborated to create DMUSD's Portrait of a Learner and draft Strategic Plan. Our Portrait of a Learner articulates our community's aspirations for all our students, identifying the skills, mindsets, and competencies that our students need for success in this rapidly changing world. Our Strategic Plan serves as a roadmap to help our schools make the vision in our Portrait of a Learner come to life.
As part of finalizing our Strategic Plan, we would like your feedback on the draft Levers and 5-Year Objectives identified by our Strategic Design Team.
After reviewing the draft Levers and 5-Year Objectives, please provide your feedback by completing the survey linked below:
*The survey was emailed and posted on Friday, May 19, and closed on Friday, May 26, 2023 at 4:00pm. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback.
Draft Levers & 5-Year Objectives
Draft Levers & 5-Year Objectives
Lever 1. Learning Experience - Every learner receives equitable access to a strong academic core and high-quality instruction so that students think and learn across disciplines, connect multiple ideas, create new knowledge, and engage in breakthrough thinking.
Five-Year Objective 1.1
Students’ academic growth and proficiency will be impacted by a strong academic core that serves as the foundation on which the school experience develops.
Five-Year Objective 1.2
Students develop essential skills and competencies as a result of teacher actions based on instructional practices grounded in research. Students know how to carry out the thinking skills required when they initiate learning in response to inquiry, engage in meaningful tasks, and solve problems.
Five-Year Objective 1.3
Students think critically and apply learning to relevant real-world contexts.
Students’ curiosity and creativity are promoted as they seek out problems and formulate innovative solutions. Students generate questions, exhibit flexibility in thinking, and are excited by challenges.
Five-Year Objective 1.4
Students demonstrate academic success through personal, authentic learning tasks which value unique, individual learning styles. Students play an active role in the assessment of their progress throughout the process of learning. Reporting of student progress is aligned to current pedagogical practice personalized to each student.
Five-Year Objective 1.5
Students are exposed to a variety of technology and are agile in their creation and use of technology. Students’ use of technology is directly linked to their passions and deep understanding of the global impact.
Lever 2. Responsive and Caring Culture - Individuals are respected and valued for their unique contributions and diverse perspectives. There exists a shared commitment to a culture of excellence grounded in empathy, compassion, and common purpose.
Five-Year Objective 2.1
The school community demonstrates a shared purpose and commitment to a safe and healthy environment rooted in shared accountability where each individual is valued, supported, and personally invested.
Five-Year Objective 2.2
Students and staff demonstrate compassion and empathy as part of a school community that embraces diversity and promotes meaningful relationships.
Five-Year Objective 2.3
Students' personal genius and unique talents are cultivated through an equitable learning experience that provides a sense of belonging and purpose, propelling individuals to thrive in a diverse society.
Five-Year Objective 2.4
Students and staff apply their understanding of different cultures to effectively communicate, collaborate, and interact with empathy.
Five-Year Objective 2.5
Students understand that their engagement with content via social media has positive and negative impacts, and they make informed decisions about content creation and consumption. Students accept responsibility for creating digital content that has a positive impact on humanity and society at large. Be nice.
Lever 3. Stewardship of Resources - Human capital, fiscal resources, and facilities intentionally align in support of the extraordinary school experience.
Five-Year Objective 3.1
Leverage strategic partnerships and professional affiliations, both locally and globally, to expand our thinking and apply best practices to the education setting.
Five-Year Objective 3.2
Manage and align District resources to strategic plan priorities and initiatives in order to maintain and strengthen district programs and practices.
Five-Year Objective 3.3
Engage in proactive, fiscally responsible multi-year planning in order to maintain a prudent budget and strong reserve to include advocacy on a state level that impacts DMUSD programs and facilities, including dependable ongoing state facilities funding, funding for Transitional Kindergarten, adequate special education funding, etc.
Five-Year Objective 3.4
Maximize the impact of Measure MM Bond funds at all District schools to address facilities’ needs, community priorities, and student learning.
Five-Year Objective 3.5
Invest in the staff member skills and expertise that impact the student experience and give the district its distinct character.
Lever 4. Design Influence - Rich and meaningful learning occurs at the intersection of purposeful, engaging learning, innovative thinking, and a compelling curriculum. The physical environment across all learning spaces supports rich and meaningful learning by influencing how individuals interact, their behaviors, and their engagement in authentic personal and collective learning.
Five-Year Objective 4.1
Students have choice and/or input about their learning environment, subject matter, learning approach, learning pace, and how they demonstrate understanding. Students’ experiences build upon their passions, interests, and strengths.
Five-Year Objective 4.2
Students use open, collaborative spaces, indoor and outdoor, and have access to educators who share the collective responsibility for student success. Students engage in purposeful learning matched to their learning styles and/or tasks.
Five-Year Objective 4.3
Learning environments are inclusive, relevant, responsive, and ever-changing in support of the unique interests, passions, and needs of each individual student. They inspire creativity and drive innovation.
Five-Year Objective 4.4
School facilities support student-centered learning, teacher collaboration, positive climate, technology integration, flexible scheduling, and connection to the environment, community, and global network.
Five-Year Objective 4.5
Facilities support environmental sustainability and healthy learning practices: exposure to natural light, learning indoors and outdoors, access to fresh air, and spaces for physical and emotional regulation.